- appropriate amount of pressure 适当分量的压力
- appropriate choice of words 恰当的措词
- appropriate clothes 合适的衣服
- appropriate extent 适当的程度
- appropriate manner and method 恰当的方式
- appropriate measure 恰当的措施
- appropriate method 恰当的方法
- appropriate place 恰当的场合
- appropriate preferential treatment 适当的照顾
- appropriate readjustments 适当的调整
- appropriate remarks 恰当的话
- appropriate response 恰如其分的反应
- appropriate time 在适当的时间
- appropriate wording 措词得当
- appropriate for the drama 适合这种戏剧
- appropriate to the weather 合于时令
- appropriate to time and place 与时间和地点都相宜
- appropriate bedroom 占用寝室
- appropriate funds 挪用资金
- appropriate money 挪用公款
- appropriate state property 挪用国家财富
- appropriate the van of the firm 挪用公司的货车
- appropriate for 为…腾出〔拨出〕
- appropriate to 将(某物)分配给