柯林斯词典ratty /ˈrætɪ/ (rattier,rattiest) 1. ADJ Ratty clothes and objects are torn or in bad condition, especially because they are old. 破旧的; 破烂的[美国英语] ...an old, ratty suitcase. ...一只破旧的手提箱。 返回 ratty剑桥词典 ratty adjective (ANNOYED) feeling annoyed 易怒的,暴躁的,爱发脾气的 She was a bit ratty with me this morning . 今天上午她对我的态度有些暴躁。 同义词irritable ratty adjective (IN BAD CONDITION) US looking old and in bad condition 老旧的,破烂的 a ratty old blanket 破烂的旧毯子 返回 ratty