- At the same time, the end of yesterday's men's super-race Kuaiqi, Ukraine Sundovski Droz players beat teammate Ma Dien winning.
昨天同时结束的男子超快棋赛中,乌克兰棋手德罗兹多夫斯基击败队友马迪恩夺得冠军。 - Men, Ukraine and Ma Dien Sundovski Droz players were out of the Philippines and Greece's Paraguana Christos, the final realignment, the gold ahead of Ukraine have.
男子组方面,乌克兰棋手德罗兹多夫斯基和马迪恩分别淘汰菲律宾的帕拉瓜和希腊的赫里斯托斯,会师决赛,乌克兰人已经提前夺金。 - The men's competition, the two players Ma Dien Ukraine, Sundovski Droz defeated Greece's Christos Paraguana players and the Philippines to join the finals.
男子组比赛,两位乌克兰选手马迪恩、德罗兹多夫斯基分别战胜希腊选手赫里斯托斯和菲律宾棋手帕拉瓜会师决赛。 - Jaquet Droz!
楼主好兴致! - Kuaiqi the ultra-race sweep of the gold, silver and Ukraine's Ma Dien Droz Sundovski Kuaiqi game is a bit difficult, both with the current 1.5 hours, respectively ranked 13th and 19th place.
明日将进行快棋第4轮至第7轮的比赛。上午10时将进行第4轮比赛,女子组科斯坚纽克与斯坦芳诺娃两强相遇;赵雪、许昱华分别对阵德国棋手佩茨、奈蒂茨。 返回 Droz