upper camel case
- Why? Upper camel case is conventional for identifying objects that can be instantiated using a constructor.
爲何? 大駝峰命名法用於標識可以通過搆造函數實例化的對象。
angular.cn - Why? Upper camel case is conventional for identifying objects that can be instantiated using a constructor.
爲何? 大駝峰命名法是一種命名約定,用來標識可用搆造函數實例化的對象。
angular.cn - Why? Classes can be instantiated and construct an instance. By convention, upper camel case indicates a construct able asset.
爲何? 類可以被實例化和搆造實例。根據約定,用大寫駝峰命名法來標識可搆造的東西。
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