柯林斯词典bluebell /ˈbluːˌbɛl/ (bluebells) 1. N-COUNT Bluebells are plants that have blue bell-shaped flowers on thin upright stems. Bluebells flower in the spring. 风铃草 返回 bluebell剑桥词典a small European plant that usually grows in woods and has blue flowers shaped like bells (欧洲)蓝铃花,蓝钟花,风铃草(常见于树林中,开蓝色钟形花) one of several types of plant in the US that has blue flowers (美国)开蓝色铃(钟)状花的植物 the Virginia bluebell 弗吉尼亚蓝铃花,弗吉尼亚风铃草 Scottish English for harebell (苏格兰英语)圆叶风铃草 返回 bluebell