- 维勒斯
- Looking at the new-type gora, the youth man dawn broad willers am surprised dawn his mawayh wide open.
看着那个新型相机,那个肩宽背阔的年轻人惊奇得张大了嘴巴。 - Hair, Jean Louis David by Javier Palacio; make up, Clarins by Charlotte Willer; fashion, Louis Vuitton.
就算是把头发绑起来,也要在发根部位留下卷度。这样不但能让发量更丰盈,垂坠的发丝,也会带有一种浪漫的律动感。 - Several of those genes "are potentially attractive drug targets" to lower heart disease risk, write the University of Michigan's Cristen Willer, PhD, and colleagues.
专家认为这些新发现的基因可能是新型胆固醇药物的好靶标。 - Willer and colleagues also noticed that genes for high LDL cholesterol levels were associated with greater risk of coronary artery disease, which makes heart attacks more likely.
这些结果发表于在线的“自然医学”杂志,同期发表的还有两个独立研究小组的相似研究结果。 - Keywords mechanical force;rice starch;water soluble;ball willer;