- n.伯金
- Giroux, H.A. (1983), Theory and resistance in education, South Hadley, MA: Bergin &Garvey.
薛晓华(1996);台湾民间改革运动:国家与社会的分析;台北:前卫. - At present there is an used hoist crane (45 tons) waiting to be sold at lowest price.It was made in 1998 with Bergin engine (4130).
公司现有一台芬兰产正面吊转让,1998年原装购置,动机伯金斯,4130型,45吨起重。 - Judge Patricia Bergin dismissed the case against Dame Kiri on Wednesday, ruling the promoter failed to establish its case, reported local media from the court in Sydney.
悉尼媒体报道说,法官驳回了原告方对于卡纳娃的指控,裁定那次音乐会的组织者无权就此事将她告上法庭。这位法官同时还要求卡纳娃所属的公司向音乐会组织者赔偿12.;8万澳元(约合10 - [illustrated by] Mark Bergin.
作者声明: Richard Humble ;